Saturday, July 11, 2009

It's Been a While

I can't remember the last time I wrote a blog and I am way too lazy to easily click on this stupid thing to see the last date I posted something in here. I've become a twitterholic (and when you mix booze with twitter, I will post some nonsense for the ages if you haven't noticed). Also, my life have become very boring and mundane. I don't go out as much anymore either.

I am broke as fuck right now and in the middle of moving. Read that as I am too lazy to find someone to move my bed back to NY and I need to tow that heaping pile of scrap metal I call the Cobra back to NY as well. That or I need to sell that fucker.

Economy sucks. My job or lack there of is so slow and sucks tenfold now. I can never sleep and when I do, I don't want to wake up but end up having fucked up dreams that make me not want to go back to sleep. These dreams happen when I fall asleep sober, so no one try and write to me saying I need to cut back on the drinking. The drinking is what is keeping me sane, I think.

But yea, Scott and I sorta agreed (not really) to start writing up skits and/or plots for a comedy of sorts. That is gonna go no where just like everything else we, or mainly I, put effort into. Although, two things that have potential I thought up of yesterday consist of this:

First idea consists of some kind of Terminator sent back in time to do away with all the child actors attached to popular sitcoms like Fresh Prince and Married With Children (ok, maybe they weren't that popular, but the fucking kids they added to those shows annoyed me, and most likely you if you watched them, to no end).

Second idea consists of superheros on the john (that's fancy talk for crapper). Me and Scott kinda went back and forth with some ideas on that one. That would never fly in main stream media unless we got the OK from Marvel and DC. Then again, knowing us, I'd be surprised if it went anywhere past a youtube video of me drunk in a superhero costume, IE this:

Filming credits for this masterpiece (of crap) go to Scott and his Motorala Krave ZN4 that he hates with a passion.

Yes, that's me in a way too small Deadpool spandex costume I got off ebay for Scott as a Halloween getup... or more likely for him to sit around and play video games and weird people out with. And yes, I was very drunk and yelling nonsense (so drunk I apparently blacked out and don't remember much of that night and woke up yet again with more bruises on me that were unexplainable and thus reafirming my belief that I am a modern day Tyler Durden... minus the cool factor)

Anyway... why the fuck do I have the theme to the Klondike Bar commercials in my head? GET IT OUT!

But yea, where was I going with this? (like these things ever go anywhere) Oh yea, so I'm broke, need money, gimmie.

I have been watching way too much Comedy Central lately. Well, ok, I always watch that channel, it's just that I basically leave it on now and walk about doing my usual business around the house (which basically consists of me still trying to perform that magic trick where I keep opening the fridge and expecting the lack of food in there to change into a fully stocked Foodmagorium).

But alas, I have run out of things to ramble on about and must get going so that I can sit here and look at news on upcoming movies coming out (basically the horrible remakes and crapily scripted superhero movies) and have a conniption over how awful I know they're going to be, just like how Fox completly glazed over Wolverine's actual origins story with go no where crap and then turned Deadpool into a mute amalgamation of super powers. Yea, the rest of my day looks like for the remainder of the day I'll be reading movie forums with nerds who post shit like this:

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