Sunday, September 27, 2009

On The Way to the Wedding, Dressed in Black

First of all, it is 11:20am and I am still drunk from the night before. Like, REALLY drunk, still. I dont even remember what I wanted to say. I guess I'll start with how my creative writing class went. I brought in an old blog I wrote many moons ago on myspace about me and Loki's trip to California about a year ago for his birthday. I had to read it to the class. At least half the class had their jaws dropped at how ridiculous the parts of the story I read were. After I read it to the class, the teacher asked me if the story was a autobiography or a fictional piece. I sat there wondering if I should admit I sound like some sociopathic alcoholic or if I should try and pass it off as a fiction piece. My reply was "well... um... if you're asking how I came up with the idea for the first part where the main character gets drunk and passes out on the plane and all the stewartesses run to me thinking I'm a diabetic... that was all yo," and pointed to myself. The entire class' collective jaws were dropped by this point. I tried passing it off as a fictional piece even more so and it was funny to hear the responses. People were like "I can relate to the main character." I sat there thinking to myself "no, you cant cause you think I'm a dirtbag ang ignore me." The best part was the teacher was saying how he liked the development of the main character and said something like "I like how the main character is always getting into trouble. You know, he's getting drunk on airplains, he's getting into scuffles in public bathrooms, he's shoving his finger in the noses of random girls he meets on the street... I see this character getting into bigger trouble as the story goes on." My reply to him was "oh, you don't even know..." I think at this point some other people in my class started to realize the main character was me (sorry Loki, Mike and JV but I didn't censor your names thinking they'd think it was just a fictional piece). Around this time, the girl I will refer to as "the dog faced woman" said "I think the main character is kinda cute," and then blushed and kinda got all shy. I just gave her this "not in a million years" look. I'm not sure I even know what that constitues looking like, but yea...

I'd give you a excerpt of the story, but I'm at work and don't have it in front of me, and just checking myspace, I realize it's so old that they don't have it saved anymore (which reminds me, if anyone saved my old blogs from myspace, please get in touch with me cause I really want them. Only person I know who saved my old blogs from years ago falls under the list of "girls who don't talk to me anymore after they got a boyfriend." Yea, I'm that awesome that once a skirt finds a dick, I am considered untalkable to. Horrah!

So um... yea.

Last night was pretty fun. I went to the Doomsday Prophecy show cause I haven't seen them in a while and havent really hung out with anyone from Jersey since I moved back to New York. (Hopefully that changed in the next few weeks when I get a new car and square away some legal problems with the law and the like). Anyway, I showed up and it's like I'm the fucking Don when I show up to a place I haven't seen a bunch of people in a while (I am kinda wondering how going to this upcoming Danzig show is gonna be. Last time I saw Danzig I had to make the rounds and say hello to so many people that my sister kinda had to sit in the corner by herself until Jared met us up). Anyway, have you seen the way kids "dance" at metal and hardcore shows lately? Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the guy who steals cable television. This one kid looked like Donald Duck on crack by the way he did his "moves". I swear by the end part of the Doomsday Prophecy set these 2 kids were fucking playing patty-cakes as they were two stepping. I am fucking serious. I am speechless just thinking of some of the goons at that place. Oh, and the worst was this girl that tj pointed out looked like Klaus Nomi (you know, this guy):

Yes, I'm serious. Not only did she look like that with long blond hair, but she was like 6'5". Talk about scary.

Anyway, Doomsday Prophecy slayed, and you suck for not liking them or even catching any of their shows. Loki's new guitar is a fucking piece of art that should be displayed in a museum it is so sweet. I told him repeatedly to go fuck himself for getting such a nice guitar. If you're wondering, it's this magnificent piece of work that was custom built by Music Man and it, matched up with his fucking tube amp, squealed and chugged like a fucking demon. I still have a slight ringing in my ear from that fucker. By the way, their show slayed. The other bands? Yea, well, they gayed. My GOD were those bands the suck. The worst was the band who was supposed to be headlining drew no one compared to Doomsday and the singer was wearing tight little bike shorts circa 1980. He tried getting everyone to come in to see his band while we were all outside smoking after the Doomsday set and TJ looked at him and said "i don't take orders from people wearing gay bike shorts, who do you think you're ordering around with those things?" Eventually, his loser friends all started rolling up their already short shorts to match his ball hugging shit.

I dunno where else I'm going with this. I'm too drunk and just zoned out for a while. I know no one is coming into the office today so I'm gonna go back to sleeping in the back room (shoes off, legs up on someone's desk... getting paid to do this shit is the sweet life).

Oh yea, and I am going to TJ and Dennis' parents anniversary party after work. Maybe I'll be sober by then (cause right now I am a MESS and I vaguely remember Dennis driving my car home when we got back to NY cause I was beligernet and refusing to adhere to whatever it was TJ was telling me when I got out of his car).

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