Saturday, December 5, 2009

Regarding Last Night

First of all, I tell myself to stay away from dayquil/nyquil, especially when drinking. What happened? After originally planning on catching the 4pm showing of Mystery Team in the city, I ended up laying in bed miserable cause of my sinuses til about 6pm or so. I then showered, hopped down to the city and met Dan and Romil up in Union Square to hang out at our usual spot for some happy hour drinks and to shoot the shit as to kill time til another showing of the movie started. That, and the really hot bartender is always nice to us and just gives us shit for free all the time... and she's hot. I was feeling like shit, so Romil offered me what he calls "Scottish Robitussin". It was whiskey. A glass of that turned into these o-bomb shots. Well, it wasn't really an o-bomb but similar. The bartender made us 2 shots each. One was stoli-o and the other shot was orange flavored monster energy drink. We were told to take the stoli-o and chase it with the shot of monster. It got the job done and that is probably why I was so out of control when I got to Scott's later in the night. That and the whole drinking heavily while on dayquil I assume. The gin and tonics didn't help the situation either. Oh yea, and before Dan left, he told me a funny story. An ex girlfriend of his who is very self concious about photos that go up on the internet or something like that, etc took a picture of herself with Dan. I, apparently, photobombed it so bad that I am making this, as dan put it, dedicated facial expression that puts the "Have you seen my baseball" retarded brother from Something About Mary to shame. Instead of there being all these comments on how nice the picture is, people keep posting shit about me and my mongoloid face I'm making. Apparently she repeatedly brings up how "one of Dan's asshole friends" ruined her good photo. HAAAA! This basically is why I am the self proclaimed king of photobombing. I need to remind him to send me a copy of this photo. It may be up there with the photo I bombed at Viv's birthday party a few years back. The photo is of her and all her friends smiling and posing together right before they did some birthday shot, you know, one of those "this is a nice photo of friends" deals. You just see me off to the left of the photo making this retard face so bad that is causing me to shake from laughing so hard just thinking about it right now. The kicker was I was shown someone commented on it something like "does anyone see this man in the photo making that face?" I'm laughing so fucking hard right now that people at my job are looking at me weird. They have no idea cause they think I'm doing work but I'm sitting here typing away and laughing at how stupid I am.

ANYWAY, back to the story. we basically got lit up at our usual spot and then Ronak met us up for some drinks when he heard we were out(obviously, our plans of seing mystery team kept getting derailed at this point). Around 11:45 we decided to try and catch the midnight showing of the damn movie. What happened was this. We didn't even know where the damn theater was in the first place other than "a few blocks away", so just imagine me and 2 Indian brothers like drunken buffoons running around the southern part of the Flat Iron district/Norther part of the East Village, asking random people on the street if they know where the theater is. Most people gave me that "get away from me you psycho" attitude (I wonder why?) We got there and I was standing on line for tickets. This couple in front of me kept claiming they were on the guest list and kept giving names that were either taken up or not on the list. This went on for a while til they decided to buy up some tickets. I went to get tickets and the guy gives me one ticket. I said "um... my friends need tickets too." The guy told me he just gave me the last ticket. I basically had to trade it up for 2 tickets to a showing tonight cause of this.

We went back to this other bar Romil likes that Ronak claimed some girls were gonna meet us up at. Apparently the main one Ronak was meeting up is a bitch and it was pretty apparent that I was to be a complete asshole to her and just lay it into her thick. We walked in, then walked out and I ended up going home... which turned into me calling Scott and yelling jibberish into the voicemail, then barging into his house cause I saw Jose's car parked outside. Apparntly I annoyed Scott to the point he had to stop playing the game he was playing. I don't remember much of the night other than me marching around his house wearing a wig, a leather cowboy hat and his eric estrada aviator glasses (you know, those glasses in the Burger King commercial that say "ESTRADA" across the lenses? yea, he has those). i left around 3 in the morning to eat cause I was starving and didn't know how much I could last drinking whiskey and eating cheese its. Also, I may have called some girl in DC pretending to be some heart broken ex boyfriend that was crying (or as Scott puts it that I sounded like an old worried yenta). Also, may have called some other people talking about nonsense. But, it wasn't me... or Scott. It was someone else, I swear.

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