Saturday, April 10, 2010

Old Man Ramy

So, I am MC Hammer kinds of broke and am too down and out to head out tonight, so, like a loser with no friends in high school, I am spending my saturday night playing video games and watching tv... and wondering why I cannot fall asleep (might have something to do with some pills I took earlier that warn not to take in the evening because it will cause restlessness).

SO, here goes some rantings that you'd expect from an old man... but I'm not that old, so deal with it. (if it's any consolation, I'm pretty sure I'll end up looking like a mix between Old Man Logan and Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino if I actually live long enough)....

First of all, is it just me, or are PSA commercials getting lamer as I get older? I grew up with shit like "This is your brain on drugs..." and "I'm not a chicken, you're a turkey!" Now it's shit like don't get into sexting with your boyfriend and, the new one I just saw tonight, "don't text and drive, it can wait." I dunno, maybe Scott is right and I should open my own driving school to teach people not to go crashing their car from being on the phone/texting... I mean how is it I've gone this long with pulling off shit like driving a manual transmission while smoking a cigarette AND texting all at the same time? Jedi-like reflexes? I dunno.

Another thing... a Polish president died and I am yet to hear one Polish joke dealing with planes crashing and their leader. Come on now people. During the 2008 election, Obama wasn't even officially elected president yet by the time I had gotten a swarm of black/president jokes texted to me up the wahzoo. Ok, so I heard ONE joke so far, but I mean come on, "How many Polish people does it take to crash a plane? A: One president", really?

Speaking of this current event, has anyone noticed on American news casts, whenever something "serious" like this president crashing, the guy who does the monologue over the visuals of people crying and what have you is 99.9% of the time a British dude. Why is that? Do we think "oh, British sounds serious and dignified?" Well sirs and madams, I give you this:

and, looking for that video just made me realize Youtube now has that stupid "likes it" option ala Facebook. Really, are people that retarded that we have to go from a 5 star points system to fucking mongoloid facebook ranking statuses? I've said it before and I'll say it again, that website is horrible. Yea, I'm probably just saying it cause I went to school with that html coding thief who "created" Facebook and didn't like him, but shut up. Another good idea scott had, is to rent out a bar and throw the most hedonistic, ancient Rome/Greece, tits and booze flying everywhere, celebration the day that website goes up in flames.

and I am so not looking forward to that queermo, Justin Beiber, being on SNL in a few moments. I just know there's gonna be a skit or two that integrates him into it. People need to learn he is horrible... about as horrible as Facebook. What is wrong with people? They play that shit at bars, and Miley Cyrus. Are people 21 and over that fucking dim-witted that we have to listen to SHIT at a bar? It's bad enough I was subjected to wanna-be guidos on top of each other last night, but to have to be subjected to these miscreants of society AND beyond absolute zero of horridness? Apparently so.

I dunno, I'm sure there's more I wanna rant about, but SNL is on and I'm gonna go watch it until I eventually pass the fuck out. Maybe I'll continue with my rantings tomorrow... at work... when there's nothing to do... which is always... because my job sucks and I am too much of a lazy fucking bum to do anything about it to better my life... cause I like to bitch and moan and am a giant slacker... like so big a slacker my picture should be in the dictionary next to that word... and I'm gonna go now... seriously.

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