Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ramy Vs. The Creepy Tree

So, for years my family has been asking the neighbors to cut down this rotted out, really large tree that's been looming over our house since we moved here. Tonight, thanks to this horrendous storm, it fell... on my house. How more of it fell on the grass than the house is beyond me, but I know I should be dead.

My mother is on the phone with insurance and neighbors ran over to see if we're ok. Fuck that stupid tree. It was so rotted out, these cheap fucks would fill the rotted out holes with concrete. They say they wanted to keep it up because "it's so beautiful". The damn thing looks like it's out of a Tim Burton movie and now it's in my backyard. The window in my mother's room is smashed, the gutters are torn down in one spot and I'm fairly sure there's a giant hole in my roof now, but I can't tell cause I'm too big to fit in the crawl space to get to that part of the attic and between all this rain and the fact that it's too dark, I can't tell right now with my flashlight when I went outside to check on things.

If a tree falls in the woods, does anyone hear it? I fucking heard this shit. Loudest bang I've ever heard in my life... and way is the heat on so high now?

when I initially went back there to see what happened, there was squirrels running amuck for shelter and then I saw the fence was knocked down... and then I saw the tree was across the backyard

Whatever. I'd take pictures, but, like I said, you can't see shit. I'll take pictures tomorrow. Can't take off from work cause the boss' son is in critical condition in the hospital after he totaled his car Thursday night and I gotta run shit. Ugh.

Wanna laugh even more, the neighbors who the tree belongs to won't even call the insurance company, my mother had to call and they said the wait is 72 hours (that's 3 days). Fucking JOY!

I have, quite possibly, the most miserable life. Either someone put a curse on me or I am suffering for horrible things done in a previous life (or maybe even this life for that matter). I've been having a lot of close calls recently. How long til something finally takes me out, for good. Maybe I should just beat fate to the punch and do them the favor. Ugh. Fuck my life.

... and now it seems I won't have a cell phone. It just died mi-sentance when TJ called to make sure I was ok and see if I needed help. Fucking hell!

Whatever, I'm gonna try and see how far I can get in the crawl space in the attic before I am stuck and there's another thing for me to hate my life about as I curse at the skies.

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