Sunday, February 28, 2010

Memories Of Last Night Are Spotted At Best

So, after work I went home to walk into the bathroom and discover a layer of ice had formed in the toilet. I took quick and swift care of that with my dick (I pissed all over that fucker til it melted). Packed up some shit into a duffle bag (I seriously need to look into a new duffle bag, maybe that's how I'll spend my day at work today, looking for a new one). Where the hell was I going with this? Oh yea, duffle bag packed, threw some clothes on, hopped in my mom's car and she dropped me off at TJ's... which, as we were driving down the street, noticed lights coming on in the houses on my block. (I later found out the lights are the ONLY thing to come back on. Dunno if heat is back yet, but phones, cable and internet are SHIT from what I'm told).

Whatever, went to Tj's sat around drinking a few beers, telling Evan the girl he's gonna meet up smells like farts while he played Super Mario, watched TJ eat coconut shrimp his sister made for him, and eventually went on our merry way to the Bogota VFW that the Doomsday Prophecy was playing at.

We rolled up and hung out outside with a few of the guys and eventually helped them in so TJ could sneak in without having to pay (I on the other hand, drunkenly harassed JV to give me a ticket when we were all hanging out at Loki's for the superbowl a few weeks back). But yea, upon enterting, it was your standard VFW crowd. You know, kids you know should not be walking around with red cups full of beer from the bar in there, kids wearing shit like basketball shorts and a band shirt that flat out says "FUCK YOU" across the back. Lots of gyrations that are called "dancing" these days. Lots of bands with their chugga-chugga and their woo woo's! I dunno. If you've ever been to a VFW show lately, you know what I mean. The bands were good, but you know...

Before I go on, I must say the bar in that VFW was the bar that time forgot. It was like stepping into a portal to the Vietnam War, or possibly right after it. The place had this heinous wallpaper straight out of the late 60s/early 70s. Parts of it looked like it was an old Vietnamese hut, there was tinsel everywhere, and I swear to God there was dust on some of the bottles in that joint. I also swear the girl bartending was giving me water and telling me it was gin. She kept staring at me, but I wasn't gonna hit on her cause she had this look to her that just let you know she was a bitchy pain in the fucking ass when she's not working.

Two things happend during the DP set (dude, their initials are DP... being billed as double penetration would be a hilarious name for a secret show). But yea, things... First blood was drawn. Some kid nailed into Lindsay during one of the first songs, causing her to spill beer all over the floor. This lead to the plot of this kid's nose getting smashed the fuck open when he slipped on it and blood gushed this way and that.

This guy running the show came out mopping up the blood and TJ came up with the genius idea to start mock-mopping and pretending he's making up new dance moves to perform while the guys were playing.

Um... oh yea, and this kid who wants to fight JV showed up cause apparently Bogota is "his turf" or some shit? I dunno, all I know is he has "beef" with JV over some seriosuly petty shit that JV doesn't give two shits about. His posse was 3 girl. One more troll of women than the next. They all just stood near the area JV was playing bass near, staring at him with disgruntled faces apparently. From what I'm told, the one that's this kid's sister spit at JV and Eric's dad saw this and grabbed her and was like "what the FUCK are you doing?" and was asking "why in the hell would you spit at someone?" JV at one point between songs, called the kid out and was like "there's these people standing over here, staring at me, trying to fight me or something and I'm pretty sure most of the people in this room would love to jump in on a fight if one broke out with you." The kid and the 3 girls walked off and then came back again doing the same lame "i'm tough, I'm gonna beat you up" fucking BULLSHIT. This time, the kid started walking towards where JV was playing and Ed just told the kid to fuck off. The kid started walking closer and Ed smacked the beer right out of the kids hand and told him to fuck off again, followed by Eric's dad basically grabbing this kid by the neck and dragging him out of the VFW.

The girls stuck around and just sat there staring while Ed and Eric's dad just stood there in front of them staring back telling em to get the fuck out if they weren't there to see the show. Seriously, these mongoloids paid 12 bucks each to be fucking grade A morons who aren't intimidating at all (one of them looked like her hobbies included combing the tails of her My Little Ponies), to then only realize that they are also out sized, out classed and out numbered.

Load out included the sister walking over and just straight up standing there and staring at JV as he waited for Brian to roll the van around to load the shit into followed by Ed going "OH SHIT! SHE WANTS TO EAT YOU!" and "Does he look like a big mac to you? stop staring at him."

This nonsense continued more when we went to the bar down the block after everything was said and done. How so? Captian I'm gonna show up to a concert and stand there like a jackass was at the bar. Apparently Lindsay and Jojo were just fed up with these kids so they went up to him and go "there he is, right there. There's JV. Go beat him up." the kid was like "nah... you're lying. that's not him." (Yea, it was some other dude with long hair, a goatee, tattoos and a danzig hoodie on). I assume the kid left through the backdoor cause I don't think he walked past the lot of us hanging out near the end of the bar closest to the front of the place (There was about 15 to 20 of us, ontop of the dudes that came over to drink with us that I had no clue who they were, getting drunk and rowdy in that joint now that I think of it... sweet lord).

A lot of the night included dancing like a jackass. People yelling for me to watch out before I got nailed in the head with a dart from people playing darts and um... I dunno, more drunken jackassery.

The last thing I remember before waking up in TJ's driveway was me dragging Deirdre over to this guy I kept calling Mr Tomasides (cause he looked like my middle school's old band teacher who inturn, looked like a fucking retard and a half). So yea, dragged Deirdre against her will towards this guy and made her pretend to hit on him for my own amusement, yes I'm a horrible person who wanted a quick laugh at making deirdre hit on some guy against her will and watching as him perk up with excitement thinking an attractive woman was actually interested in him. Then I dragged her to this big black girl I kept calling Kool-Aid cause she was wearing this big purple shirt which kept causing me to yell over and over again "WATER! SUGAR! PURPLE! THAT'S KOOL-AID!" She was gonna ask if she was one of Oprah's friends or something. I dunno, Deirdre kept rambling on about how she looked like someone on the Oprah show or her friend or her I don't know the fuck what. Regardless, that was short lived and resulted in both of us heading back to our seats at the bar.

We eventually left, and all else I remeber was I kept repeating the repetative part of Mistadobalina by Del the Funky Homosapien.

Oh, and waking up, getting dressed, and then heading to this shit hole to waste time typing this shit up.

Oh, and Germs moved to Texas for a little bit? I was informed? I think me being informed about the party was "why did you never get back to me." - Me "There was a big party at Brian's." - Loki "oh, ok." - Me. If that constitues for being invited to Germs' going away party then... I dunno what. I'm gonna have to find out his address and mail him out obscure and retarded things like pictures of me with a bottle of gin playing Call of Duty and CD-Rs of nothing but me going "Meow, what are you doing?"

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