Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 3 of Mr Pete and I, and of work

So, yesterday was not that fun, but nothing seems like fun to me anymore. Spent the whole day, like the last 2 days, getting lip from this guy who I can only describe as a bitter, cheap bastard version of the 40 year old virgin. So, who was I to inform him that the parking lot he just spent enough quarters in the meter for 2 hours parked in a spot that was going to be ticketed because of morning alternate side parking. I sat there with a grin after he said he has 2 hours in the meter and then proceeded to make sarcastic comments about my appearance (saying I never shave or wear a tie.. which i find funny, cause i've seen assholes roll in with dirty polo shirts and shit). But, watching that schiesty bastard flip a shit over a 15 dollar parking ticket was all worth the while.

I stopped at my mother's to get the beard trimmer I have there because I needed something to use to shave and I'm not using one of sarah's razors (ugh) and I'm definitely not going out and buying a razor when I have perfectly good ones at my place in Jersey.

When I got back to the house to take care of Mr. Pete, it resulted in me having to keep a close eye on him (because earlier that morning, I was running after him with my pants faling down cause he decided to book it into the street after I let him out into the backyard as i was getting dressed). This was followed by him thinking I was playful while talking to numerous people on the phone. I now look like a while animal mauled me because I have scratch marks all over my arms, legs and hips. You know, this would probably be hot if a woman gave me these scratches and not an hulking pit bull. I had to cage him to take a shower and then get chewed out by my mother telling me how much of a bum I am over the phone as usual.

Once again I went to the mall. Why? Because I was bored and starving and didn't know what to eat, so I figured i'd wander around the food court til I got fed up with those annoying asians asking "m'elp you?" and "fui sampul?" That usually takes all of 2 seconds before I blow up at one of them... especially that one who repeatedly tries to give me fliers for the all you can eat buffett that I'm sure serves nothing but raccoon meats and deer hooves.

I feel like a werido or a fat person with no friends eating by myself at the mall, but it's either that, or get harassed the fuck out by the dog if I bring food back to the house. Whatever. I get to eat and then roam the mall and look for cheap shit to buy. I discovered yesterday that Target has the Incredible Hulk on Blu Ray for 15 bucks, where as Best Buy wants 30 bucks for some reason. Maybe the Best Buy version has more shit on it or an extra disk? Who knows. For $22.55 I got that on blu ray and 2 pairs of argyle socks (since it's apparently unprofessional to wear socks that look like they were owned by a clown to work). leaving the mall, I realized there's a karaoke booth that films you singing behind a green screen. At first I thought it was just some booth showing videos of people being idiots, then upon walking by, I realized it's actual people in the booths singing HORRIBLY. After seeing that atrocity and just being a dick to some girl who tried selling me whatever shit her kiosk was selling, I left the mall.

I headed back home to let Pete out again and piss and poop out his dinner I fed to him before I went out to the mall... again. What I thought might just be him sitting around tired for the rest of the evening turned into me wanting to watch the 30 Rock dvds I bought while simutaniously wrestling him off the bed. Eventually, I got fed up and below is a picture of him headbutting me in the mid section so he has leverage to lay down while hitting my right hand with his paw to keep my hand down from grabbing his collar. (Yea, I need photo evidence to show he put up a fight if Sarah asks why furniture smells like Mr. Pete).

I was up til maybe 1am watching dvds and then passed the fuck out, only to wake up to this dog, waking me up AGAIN at 6 in the morning. I'm starting to have the feeling it's rather moot to set my alarm to 7am to walk him because for the past 2 mornings, he's been waking me up at 6am, whining like a little bitch.

ugh. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go back to throwing out tons of paper and printing up shit on paper that can easily be accessed from any computer. My boss is so paranoid about everything. She thinks the internet is going to crash and we're gonna lose sales because we don't have access to information, so I have to print thousands of pages up and then throw them out a few weeks later when they're no good and print more up. Because of this Swine Flu paranoia, there is a "scented" hand sanitizer bottle every other desk in this office (the "scents" claim they are aloe or lavender... to me, they both smell like bunk tequila that's been sitting in the sun for too long). Good thing I cough on everyone's shit whenever I have a cold and am alone in the office. God, I need a new job.

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