Friday, November 27, 2009

Regarding the Story in my Last Blog

So, I didn't get a chance to really sit down and read the responses written to me regarding the story cause Wednesday was such a rush of a mess.

But yea, here's how the day went down regarding going over the story. I walk into the room where my creative writing class is being held and the people already in the room all look up, grinning like idiots. One guy lets out a "THERE HE IS!" and they start clapping. I look around confused and go "um, what'd I do?" Turns out they were all saying how ridiculous my stories are that I submit to the class. As I'm getting myself comfortable in my seat, someone goes "this is a true story, right? It has to be." I go "um... perhaps." Then go "why do you ask?" One of the guys replied, "there is no way a story like this is so fluid without it being a true story." Anyway, so the class finally starts and we eventually get to the class debating my story. Most, if not all, of the class pretty much knew it was about me without me saying a word about it. One girl, however, butted in at one point going "I feel the story needed more fat girls hitting on the main character." Thoughts like "what are you, a chubby chaser?" and "one fat girl is more than enough" raced by. The teacher went on at one point to say that he feels the main character is possibly a little shy or insecure about himself and that's why he lashes out. At this point, I heard someone in the back of the room yell out "he sounds like a drunk asshole to me!" But whatever. Here are some of the funnier replies I got from people.

"Your story reminds me of 'Cacher in the Rye' a bit."

After going on about how I need more dialogue and description of my friends, one person wrote, "Definitely funny as hell.'

"You have a very sick mind, which is why I like your fiction so much." (Little does he know this wasn't fiction).

The same writer responded "I don't see many invitations from any women's or gay rights groups in the immediate future for you, but your fearless approach is commendable."

I was told I have a "sardonic voice".

"the story reads like a huge rant" was one of the notes I read while on the shitter.

From the notes of the girl who kept saying she wanted fat girls in the story: "I really REALLY wanted EVERYONE, EVERY CHICK, to be a chubby dumpling. (girl really wanted it to be like a speed dating for fatties it seems).

"Even drunk 'fat girls' can respond sometimes with the funniest a purposeful lines."

And that's about it for now. I am supposed to be given a few more responses by monday. That should be for some more laughs. (did i mention I was laughing my ass off almost the entire time they were talking about my story? It was cause I just thought the responses were so ridiculous at times).

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