Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Bender to Ender December Part IV/Happy Moo Year

Yes, in 2010 cows will take over the world. It's inevitable and I am rambling utter gibberish because I'm bored at work. Instead of finishing off part 3 of the "bender to ender december" rants, I'll start anew with it being the new year and all as well as it sounding like some kinda lame sci-fi book you'd make fun of the kid with thick framed glasses in your 5th grade algebra class for reading (funny, those stupid glasses are "in style" these days. Bah!)

ANYWAAAAY, um yea. to recap... you know what? The night(s) I wrote about in the part 3 of that rant were somewhat interesting (well, I found it humerous sifting over what to use as a recap here). Maybe I'll finish it up and post it after this thing when I get even more utterly bored at work.

So yea, I dunno. the Gorgeous Frankenstein and Danzig show the day after Christmas was fun. I apparently just pissed everyone off that night. My sister was annoyed with me before we even got in the car to pick up Jared and his girlfriend from the city to head to the show. My sister basically said I was rude, inconsiderate, obnoxious and annoying. Then, went off on how she's surprised I still have any friends in my life and so on. I was reminded of how much of an annoying jerk I was that night by Bob telling me how everyone was going on about how annoying and obnoxious I was being and Loki had been covering for me the entire weekend by saying "it was the day after Christmas. Danzig was playing. These things happen."

I'm trying to remember what else happened that week.

Monday recap went like this: Played Modern Warfare 2 with Scott online for a few hours. Layed in bed miserable and annoyed for most of day when Scott left to go to work. Eddie called, told me to meet him and Janell up for drinks. Went to city. Bar was full of deaf people doing sign language cause it was some kinda deaf people mixer. I farted on two girls to see if they could hear it and were really deaf or just pretending to be... one girl wasn't deaf and yelled. Tried making on this one hot blond and used her fat not so attractive friend as an in by talking to her. This was shut down by some creepy dude who would hover over the girls as he kept trying to move in closer for a kiss or something was all over them with his 2 older, balder friends who stunk of cheap dominican cigars did this Night at the Roxbury double team pincer move on the girls so they had no where to run as the initial creepazoid pressed forward to pin them into the bar's counter. Then, I noticed these girls walk in and one was wearing a tiara. I HAD to talk to them cause you just KNOW the girl with the tiara in aiming to get RE-TAR-DED! it was her 21st birthday and I didn't get much time to talk to her cause before you knew it, these Beagel Boys clods (yea, like the DuckTales reference?) pounced without a second thought. It was bad cause I was trying to go back and forth between the blond with the meh looking friend and the birthday girl and her friends while these dirt bags kept going back and forth. It was like a horrible trade off that lead to both parties leaving because they could not stand the weirdo and his two cigar smelling friends. The whole time Eddie and Janell were laughing.

Annoyed at the whole situation I went outside for a smoke. Mind you, the bums were in full force that night and I emptied out my wallet and hit all my loot in a pocket and would show my wallet was empty and say "i'm here to watch the game cause I can't even afford a tv in my squat of an apartment" and they'd usually leave me alone. I was preparing for another bum to try and ask me for money for vodka or try and sell me some dirt weed but instead was confronted by this kinda cute girl that was taller than me. Some bum started saying she was NBA, and then corrected himself and said she was WNBA, which lead to me basically telling him he's a rude prick and to get the fuck outta there. This lead to her saying how cute I was and telling me how she grew up in Texas but now she lives extremely close by and basically insinuating that we should go back to her place to bang like two cymbals in an overworked marching band (yes, I took that reference from Scott cause it's just too funny not to use). I think this is around the time Scott got cut off from the nightly update by me saying something along the lines of "I may or may not be going home with a huge texan girl... for sex." Around this time she said we should go back inside for some more drinks and hang out for a bit before we leave. As I'm walking in, this older guy with a fucking Toucan Sam beak for a nose just grabs her by the arm, goes "where the hell have you been? I haven't seen you in forever," and then starts jamming his tongue down her throat. I just sit there, look in shock at what just went down in front of me, and mutter aloud "are you fucking kidding me?" Around this time Eddie and Janell were calling it a night so I just bought some pizza, angrily ate it in my car muttering angry gibberish to myself with a mouth full of the pizza and then headed to Scott's to drink and go off on an angry rant like a fucking beast.

Tuesday... can't remember much. I think I just sat home, played some games, watched tv and recooperated from Monday.

Wednesday, Me Sott and M.Dani went to go skiing/snowboarding out at Mountain Creek in Vernon, NJ. It was the first time the 3 of us went since March of last year (it was the end of the seasons and most of the trails were closed and what trails were open were either ice or mud at a lot of parts). But yea, who would have thought that the day before New Years Eve would be so fucking packed? The main lot was over flowing with cars. The second lot was basically filled up for the most part too. It was ridiculously packed. I mean, jesus. We'd just sit there at times waiting for heards of idiots to go ahead of us, or we'd try and get a good headstart down a hill before a large group of people went down. Things that pissed us off that caused us to leave earlier than planed went as such: 1) Annoyed at little children getting in our way or barreling into us. 2) Scott's knees were hurting. 3) Mike took a spill and hurt his tailbone bad. 4) the kicker of all, some dumb bitch cut me off at the bottom of the slope near the chairlift, causing me to stop short and lose my balance, leading to me smacking my head really hard on a big thing of ice.

To add insult to injury, after walking for what seemed like forever back to the car carrying our gear and wearing our boots the entire walk there, we went to Burger King for lunch, only to discover that not only was the line like somethoug out of the great depression (with me at one point complaining, "can i just get my bread and government cheese and be on my way?") but the ONLY woman working the register was a chatty-cathy who would not shut the fuck up. To add even more of an annoying insult to this severely wounded beast of a line, this fucking ugly fat kid with a frog face kept trying to be smooth and funny with the woman working the register. I was so annoyed at how slow the line was moving that I wanted to set a trend of fast paced movement. What I did was just banged out my order as fast as possible and had my wallet in hand anxiously awaiting her to tell me the price. Do you know what this mongoloid did instead of ringing me up to tell me the price? She starts telling me how she wants a purple snowboarding jacket just like mine and she was gonna make it my mission to go out and find her a jacket just like mine. I am staring at her blankly in shock that she starting up a retarded go no where conversation with me while a mod of angry and annoyed people waiting on a line that should not be as long as it was getting stand behind me. Scott just butted in and goes "YEA! IT'S FUCKING GOD KENNEDY GETTING SHOT IN THE HEAD ON THE BACK OF THIS THING TOO! WANNA SEE?" to try and get her to shut up. Around this point I just threw a 10 at her figuring my order couldn't have any more than that at tops. I think as I took my change and walked away very disgruntled the damn bitch kept rambling on and on while Scott waited to give his order for his and Mike's meals. Not shortly after it was pointed out to me while waiting for our food (which fucking took forever to be served to us by one of the many fat disgusting sad excuses for human life that was working the kitchen) that Burger King's soda fountains have reccomendations for what kinda soda goes good with what meals as if it's some kinda fancy high end restaurant reccomending what wines go well with certain meals.

We ate, we left, I fell asleep in the car, which i probably shouldn't have done after reciving such a nasty blow to the head earlier not too long before we ate, and then went home. I told my mother about me hitting my head hard on the ice and she flipped out (if you don't know my mother, she worries alot about stupid shit). I kept telling her to leave me alone when she kept asking me to go to the hospital to have my head checked out. It wasn't til I layed down on my bed and put my head to the pillow that my nose started gushing this clear watery blood out my nose like a guiser for a few moments. I started wiping my nose repeatedly til it stopped and around this time my mother came to check on me and sees my nose and hands covered in blood and I go "hey, yea... about the hospital? How about we go now?"

She took me to the emergency room since it was the only thing opened. Some doctor probed my nose and ears with the scope thingie to see if it was CSF or not that had been coming out of my nose. he said it mostly looked like a nosebleed but it sounded weird that it came out the color I described it. He then did some neurological tests on me to see if anything was off. Said my reflexes are pretty damn good and that I don't give off any signs of being in danger. He offered to have a cat-scan done to my head if I wanted but I was like "whatever" and didn't care at that point.

I came home and fell asleep only to wake up to my mother calling me at 9am to pick her up from the mechanic, followed by my dad actually calling me to see if i was alright and that he heard from my mother that I was in the hospital the night before. I made the conversation quick and went outside to discover that it was snowing bad and that the streets weren't cleared that well if at all. I got my mom, oafed around the house for a bit, took a shower and headed to Loki's to hang out til the show started. This turned into me, Germs, Bob and JV meeting up Eric and his dad at the studio to pick up JV and Loki's equiptment they were gonna use for the show they were playing right before midnight for new years (which reminds me, I wonder if JV got the other half of his cab set that Eric took since I couldn't fit it in my car at all yesterday).

After lugging heavy ass amps, cabs, guitars, a bass and Loki's "fridge" of electronics and techincal guitar robotics or whatever that moster of a box is filled with, we headed off to Dingbatz. When we got there, we discovered that even thought they were supposed to have opened a half an hour before we got there, the place was still not open. We debated on what to do. Bob reccomended we go across the street to Dingos for beer and nachos. We got beer, but they didn't have nachos, so loki ordered a round of bar pies for all of us that were pretty damn good. Ciccone showed up to Dingos to hang out til we finished eating to open up Dingbatz. Then came the load in that was not too bad. Well, better than Germs saying that us loading up all the shit from the studio was by far the worst load up he's ever seen in his life cause we all just sat there with our dicks in our hands looking around aimless and lazy.

The show wasn't bad. Not that I really paid attention to any of the opening bands being that I was in the back room swigging Rumple Minz with Loki and drinking vodka from the bottles we took with us from his house to chug-a-lug before Gotham Rd's set. For once, I can say I wasn't an out of hand drunk as usual. That crown went to Loki and he proved he was the king of brash actions. He was pretty smashed in the backroom, towards the end of the second band's set he was running around like a bull, charging at people and shit (their set was pretty wild. It included confetti, which was kinda dick since there was a giant mess after that, people going apeshit at the end of their set, and it ended with the center monitor breaking).

While the Zombie Mafia played the backroom was PACKED with all of us just getting rowdy and stupid. it even included a freestyle jam between Bob and Brian which was very briefly accompanied by me doing fist pumps and dancing like a jackass to their song. I'm sure JV will post a video he took of all that online, announce it's up on facebook and use that as yet another excuse for him to give me shit about not being on facebook when I find out about it later (speaking of which, I realized my youtube updates told me about a video he uploaded and tried using as an excuse for me to join facebook, so ha! Other than that, Loki and Renee sat there talking to me about how out of control I usually am and so on. Loki kept telling me it's his turn to be like that cause every time we go out, especially this past week, he's been going out of his way to cover for me and apologize to people for my rude behaviors. Somehow this gave him the ok to hit me in the head lightly cause i was complaining about not wanting people touching my head.

The guys eventually went on, rocked the house til about 11:55 or so, Mike spoke for a little bit, everyone did the generic new years countdown and then went with the barage of drunken hugs, bottle clankings, etc. followed by the band eventually kicking things back up to levels of SLAY. Their set really got the crowd going after that and like JV put it yesterday, it was like old school days at Connections. Ciccone even had to chokehold some drunkard and drag him out during the set cause the guy was a mess and Ox was shoving the guy away from him every time he'd go near Ox. What was a bad move was that this other band was set for last. I remember at one point, when I was sitting next to JV's setup I stuck my head through the curtain to the backroom and saw the last band hanging out back there with this upset look of "we have to go on after this?" to add insult to injury, the band broke out Scream which wasn't evne planned on the set and I think Loki just broke out the main riff and the rest of the guys went with it, JV looked at me and Eric shrugging his shoulders as to insinuate he was just gonna go with it and keep playing til someone finally realized they had to stop playing. After they finished playing, the place CLEARED OUT and barely anyone was there for the last band, which i mean, they're a pretty decent band, but to try and top what went on right before them was impossible. We hung out outside and in the backroom til the last band was done for us to finally start to breakdown and pack all the shit to head back home.

Oh, I forgot this kid from Germany who is a big fan of the band showed up with one of his friends from back in Germany. We invited them to hang out before the set and talked to them for a little bit before Loki took them and this girl who came from Japan to the local train station so they could catch a train back to whever they were staying in NYC. Eventually we finally packed up everything into our cars and headed for the studio only to realize the main door that's almost never locked, was indeed locked and none of us had a key to it. Not only that, but Sam who I had rolled up in a drunken ball in my backseat between one of JV's cabs and his bass was complaining of being sick from being so drunk and I refused to drive til she puked, and puked she did... and then even more later when we got home.

When we all got back to Loki's to do a post-party, I just threw some sweatpants on, grabbed a blanket, cocooned myself on the couch, rolled in a ball with my ass up in the air like a drunk mess and started drunk moaning til I passed out.

Friday morning, I woke up to Bob cooking breakfast and the twilight zone was still on (apparently he left it on and just left it on when he woke up. The two of us sat around watching Twilight Zone and Ghostbusters til we had to leave for the studio as well as pick up Germs from the hotel he was staying at with this girl from Kentucky who came up for the show. After that, I headed back to Loki's and met him there, watched some of Ghostbusters 2 til he left to help Mary fix her flat tire and I went to get taco bell since the closest thing I had to a meal all day beforehand was cigarettes and orbit gum. I came back to Loki's and ate taco bell and then hung out BSing with JV for a bit til Loki and Mary came back. Bob went to pick up the girl from Kentucy to hang out with us and around that same time is when the drinking commenced, only to be briefly stopped for me, Bob and Kentucky to go pick up some food and supplies from the supermarket that was needed.

We came back, ordered a pie and watched Ghostbusters on blu ray since Bob and JV never seen it on blu ray before. This was followed by Loki and Mary coming back from picking up more drinks and ice and followed by watching Ghostbusters on blu ray with "slimer vision" or whatever it was called with the small video box on the bottom right side interviewing cast and production people and so on and so forth. This was followed again by popping in the Exorcist, Bob dropping the Kentucky girl back off at her hotel and then eventually everyone drunkenly passing out and me having to wake up at 8am to drive back to ny to get dressed into something a little more civilized and head on over to work where I have wasted most of the day typing this and eating chinese food.

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