Saturday, January 9, 2010

Eerie Von Book Signing, Alcohol, and Being at Each Other's Throats

Act 1:

So, last night I went to Loki's to meet up him and JV. JV and I sat around, he playing that new Super Mario for Wii as Sam read off walkthroughs for each level, I sitting on the computer wasting my life waiting for Loki to get home from work. We were waiting for Loki cause we were all gonna go down together to the city. Loki opted to fall asleep right after getting home, so JV and I decided to just book it to the city.

Sitting in traffic is never fun. Bridge and Tunnel traffic is even worse and the fact we wanted to get to the place a little before the whole shebang went down was even more annoying. For an hour and a half we sat in traffic waiting to get across the Lincoln Tunnel to get to the damn show. Let me say that again, an hour and a fucking half of sitting in traffic. Once we hit Manhattan we booked it down 9th ave and made it pretty far down before we hit a red light. We found a spot not too far from Generation Records, paid for parking, and walked to the place. We got there and I had to pick up this card that I would then have to hand to someone later to get my copy of the book we were there for the signing of.

We missed most of the set, but got to see them (Eerie Von, Lyle Preslar and Mike D'Antonio) perform To Walk the Night, Killer Wolf and an Elvis song (I can't remember which one off the top of my head right now). JV took a video of them doing To Walk the Night on his video camera thingie which I'm sure he'll put up on youtube once he realizes no one is gona be posting anything online any time soon.

After they were done playing, Eerie was like "ok, lets sign some books!" and me and JV were apparently right next to the front of the line when we were looking at t-shirts. JV ended up buying the death dealer Samhain shirt I picked up a few months back at Generation (it is quite possibly my favorite shirt right now... and that sentance was quite possibly the gayest thing I've said in 2010 so far). Eerie walked up to JV while heading to the table to sign shit and I was like "what is that wonderful smell?" I looked up and saw he was holding an almost finished bottle of Jim Beam and some beer. After Eerie walked off, Jv looks at me and goes "i wanna see what a night out of drinking would even be like if the two of you went out together." (I was informed earlier last month this "he is a rude lush just like you.")

The signing was kinda funny. Eerie and I just kinda didn't know what to say to one another and it was kinda one of those convos where both parites just go "yep" back and forth to each other which was always portrayed in King of the Hill when the guys would just sit around drinking beer and going "yep". Tom Bejworkicz struck up a short lived convo with me about They Live since I was wearing my Obey shirt with the news caster alien in front of it. This convo was cut off by Eerie asking if we'd seen some movie caleld invasion of frog people or something like that. This was followed by I believe JV talking with him about that as Tom and I kinda just shrugged our shoulders and were like "yea, ok. what they said." Eerie had extended an invite to come with the guys after the signing to a Mexican joint for eats and drinks. That sounded like a fun idea til we went upstairs to go outside and I literally bumped into Chud who was trying to be all incogneato with his glasses on and a hoodie up (but how incogneato can you be when you're wearing a beanie with a giant logo of the band you used to be in across your fucking forehead?) While outside smoking he kept glancing over in our direction and we knew he'd probably be at the mexican place and that would just be awkward as all hell (if you don't know the back story to why, just know it'd be awkard as all hell).

Act 2:

So yea, Jv and I had to pee and were hungry and wanted to go someplace warm to sit down and eat. I suggested Ben's Pizza cause well, it's fucking pizza and it's the only one I could think of in that area with a bathroom, seating arrangements and good pizza. Of course we can't even eat in peace cause bums in New York have the nerve to walk into establishments that dont have door men or bouncers to keep riff-raff out and this fucking bum came right up to us trying to do magic tricks with a deck of cards. Man was sloppy as shit and I watched as he was not at all sly in any of his movements. I watched as he tried sliding my card to the top of the deck. Failed. He got JV's card right, but he fucked up when he was sliding my card around and it just didn't come up. Also, the whole thing where he tries to hold the card on the backside of your hand trick... yea. not too suave about that. And yes, I am critiquing a bum's card handling ettiquette.

After we were done, eating, pissing, etc. We went back to Generation. The crowd was still there and so was Sal Bee and Chud who were hanging out with some people in the store. We decided it would be in our best interests not to stick around. I texted Romil cause he said he was gonna be at Union Bar with Dan. They were still there so we put money in the meter to last til 10pm (aka when parking is free) and hopped a cab to Union Square. First of all, fuck that cabbie. Second of all, apparently I was with JV the first time he's ever ridden a taxi in NYC. We got to Union bar and Dan and Romil were hanging out with Mel and her friend at the back end of the bar. We met up had like 2 drinks and then went to this other fucking bar I forget the name of but wasn't too fond of. My sister met us up, followed by Scott and Jose who came from work and then Loki showed up. a few round of shots were given to me cause my birthday is coming up on monday (ugh, kill me) and shortly after JV told me Ed was in the city at some bar his cousin works at. Me, JV, Loki and my sister left for this place.

Act 3:

Where did we end up? a damn japanese styled bar with a liquor bar in the front when you walk in and a sushi bar in the far back. It was also karaoke night there last night. Apparently JV and my sister conspired to sign me up to sign Poker Face by Lady Gaga. Yea, all I hear is "Ramy... the birthday boy. You're signing." I go up and am like "what the fuck did you assholes sign me up for?" I looked down at the screen and was like "loooord!" Yea, JV filmed the whole slow motion train wreck. At points I was just garbling my words and filling in my own words. At one point I said something like "crazy niggas" and then looked up to realize that the table in front of me was nothing but black couples... all staring at me. This was followed by me noticing one of the karaoke hosts was coming towards me for a second and i was sure he was gonna grab the mic from me. He didn't though and let me go on making it known I am the shame of my family. A buncha high kicks and Axl Rose shimmies and some horribly off key singing later and that train wreck pulled into the station for it's final destination; Fail town. I'm sure the horrors witnessed at that point in the night will be up on youtube a while after whenever it is JV wakes up today.

Apparently around this time there was some altercations between Dan and Jose. From what I'm told Dan said some shit to Jose, Jose went outside cursing, some guy heard Jose and thought he was directing at him, comes over to confront Jose and without a word being said, Jose just decked the guy and then realized the dude he punched was with 4 other dudes, so Jose ran into a cab and headed back to his place in Brooklyn, and because of that, we lead to...

Act 4:

For a while we were sitting around drinking and watching people bomb at karaoke and making jokes as we got drunker and drunker. This is around the time I started getting calls and texts from Scott asking me where Jose was and that he left his jacket and cellphone at the last bar. Then Romil called. Mind you I texted both of them several times with the address to where we were located at. They showed up one by one. Scott and Loki went off to McDonalds and apparently ate 2 meals each. I sat around with my sister, JV and Ed cause shortly after talking to Dan and Romil, the two of them left.

We left shortly after. Scott and I said our goodbyes to Loki and JV and we split for our cars. Scott and I walked in the freezing cold back to the west side, talking and BSing. Giving Scott my stories of experience with the opposite sex and how I handle things, and how he shouldn't handle them. And, as usual, every story I had was followed with "That's horrible" or "how could you do that? Jesus."

We finally got back to the car (after me freaking out that my car wasn't in the spot I parked it in, followed by me remembering I didn't even park it on that street, but the block over) and I drove Scott back to his car that was parked off of McLean ave in Yonkers.

As I was getting into bed, I got a text from Scott saying Jose's keys were in the coat pocket Scott was holding onto and I told him there is no way I was driving back to Manhattan at 4 in the morning. I passed out and woke up wanting to kill myself due to sinuses and a hungover, both leading to a major headache this morning.

Tonight, I think I'm going to Loki's. Dunno for sure wanted to go to the city to meet up with Natasha for drinks, but who knows what the fuck is going on now. For all I know, Loki is planning some big shebang of a house party in my name. I am never one for my own birthday (I think Aker said... or quoted star trek, that I treat my birthday like a funeral). Eh, Whatever. Someone let me know what the fuck is going on cause otherwise I'm gonna just lay in bed all night.

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